Wednesday, 21 February 2007

Tesco's expansion battle

Tesco’s plans to extend its Launceston superstore have come under fierce criticism. Tesco want to extend the store by 1,285 sq. meters. But councillors and members of the public have expressed concern about the increased noise and light pollution that would be caused.

On local trader said the stores integration had been: “miniscule” and tesco continued to alienate the local retailer.
Steve Jones of Launceston Chamber of Commerce said he was concerned that by Tesco increasing the variety of goods on sale it would take more trade away from the town.
Above picture : The Launceston high street as it is today, supermarkets are destroying this image.

1 comment:

LuinThallion said...

The Launceston expansion is going ahead (self-service checkouts have just gone in also). With rising oil prices, congestion charging, road pricing, microchip bin taxes, the forthcoming carbon taxes (a tax on breathing) that even the tories advocate, soon the corporate fascist/communists will run the planet. Welcome to the New World Order, Brave New World.

If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever. George Orwell