Saturday, 15 September 2007

Bond vs Leahy

The top boys of Tesco and Asda have gone head to head to go green. Sir Terry Leahy in one corner the chief exec. of the biggest supermarket in the UK said a brining a; "revolution in green consumption; "would hit his customers pockets.

Andy Bond in the other corner stating that Asda's prices will fall as the company goes green. "The environment is absolutely fundamental, but we think it will actually save money. "

Deathofthehighstreet forecasted a price war just days ago and this new green war is developing as Asda have lowered around 10,000 prices since the turn of the year to spark a price war with Tesco.

In the Bond vs Leahy Deathofthehighstreet Bond's views are a just to gain points against Leahy will it work? Will he get his customers? Not likely.

Sainsbury could be the winners of this handbags row as Justin King - the other boss - sits and watches as his company actually seem to be doing the most. Deathofthehighstreet took a look around one Sainsbury's store to find;

- 33% recycled carrier bags

- Make a difference days - free reusable bags, replaced for free. (when the bags are sold all money gets to charity)
- Deathofthehighstreet sees the most locally produced products.

A fair effort form the company now will Asda and Tesco come through on their promises.

The green WAR will continue but the price war is just about here as well.

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